Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Prized pairs of shoe-lover Imelda in danger

Vocabulary Words

1. infamous-(adj)-having an extremely bad reputation; notorious
Ex. The royal family of Britain was furious after the infamous naked photos of Prince Harry and the topless pictures of Kate Middleton were published.

2. notorious-(adj)-Well-known for some bad or unfavourable quality, deed, etc; infamous
Ex.- The notorious criminal escaped from prison.

3. aggravated-(v)-to make worse or more severe; intensify, as anything evil, disorderly, or troublesome
Ex.- His illness was aggravated by the dirty water he drank.

4. meticulous-(adj)-taking or showing extreme care about minute details; precise; thorough
Ex. The old man is a meticulous craftsman.

5. astound-(v)-to overwhelm with amazement; astonish greatly; shock with wonder or surprise.
Ex. The Grand Canyon never ceases to amaze and astound me.

While former first lady Imelda Marcos' infamous jewelry collection is being eyed for exhibit, her equally notorious shoe collection is said to be falling into neglect.

A team of curators at the National Museum are trying to rescue some of the apparel the Marcoses left in the MalacaƱan Palace after the room where the items have been stored was swamped due to a leaking ceiling, an Associated Press report on Sunday said.

"There was termite infestation and mold in past years, and these were aggravated by last month's storm," the report quoted museum curator Orlando Abinion as saying.

Damaged items were part of over 150 boxes of the Marcoses' belongings transferred to the National Museum two years ago for safekeeping.

These include clothes strongman Ferdinand Marcos had worn in state occassions and some of his wife's shoe collection, which they left when they were forced into exile by the 1986 People Power Revolution.

"It's unfortunate because Imelda may have worn some of these clothes in major official events and as such have an important place in our history," Abinion said.

Imelda reportedly left over 1,200 shoes when she fled the Palace with her husband.

These are not part of the $2.24 billion worth of assets so far recovered by the Presidential Commission on Good Government, the report noted.

Earlier reports have meanwhile said PCGG is eyeing an exhibit of Imelda's massive jewelry collection, which are also being planned for auction.

Imelda Marcos claimed many of the shoes were gifts from Filipino shoemakers in local shoemakers in Marikina City, which in 2001 borrowed 800 of her shoes for a museum.

Dozens of pairs were damaged in a 2009 flood, however.

The surviving 765 pairs "still look remarkably new due to meticulous museum care, which includes displaying them in airtight and dust-free glass cabinets in an air-conditioned gallery, away from direct sunlight," the AP report said.

Imelda's shoes "never fail to astound people years after," the report quoted museum manager Jane Ballesteros as saying.

She added that most of the museum's daily 50 to 100 visitors ask if Imelda was able to wear all of the shoes.

"When I say, yes, look at the scratches on the soles, the next reaction is, 'Really?'" Ballesteros said.



1. Do you know who Imelda Marcos is?
2. Do you think the Philippine Government should return the clothes and shoes to Imelda and her family?
3. In your opinion, can the clothes and shoes of Imelda Marcos be considered interesting enough to display in museums?
4. What can you say about the museum curators who were responsible for the neglect of these items?

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